JPA Assignment 1 I gave you the City Entity class that maps to the City DB Table this afternoon I want you to write the Country Entity class that will map to the Country DB Table CREATE TABLE COUNTRY ( CODE CHAR(3) NOT NULL, NAME CHAR(52) NOT NULL, CONTINENT VARCHAR(15), REGION CHAR(26) NOT NULL, SURFACE_AREA DECIMAL(10,2) NOT NULL, INDEP_YEAR SMALLINT, POPULATION INTEGER NOT NULL, LIFE_EXPECTANCY DECIMAL(3,1), GNP DECIMAL(10,2), LOCALNAME CHAR(45), GOVERNMENT_FORM CHAR(45), CAPITAL INTEGER, CODE2 CHAR(2), CONSTRAINT PK_COUNTRY PRIMARY KEY (CODE) ); the steps are: 0) create the Java class, generate get/set and a default constructor 1) Map the class name to the Table name w/ @Entity annotation 2) Map the @Id 3) Map each field in the class (or mark it transient) at some point you will need to code: the JavaDocs the business rules for get/set methods the JUnit Tests toString method hashCode and equals methods