I have a problem.... I need to document my REST style Web Service, and I think there are 3 types of documentation I need 1) JavaDocs -> targeted at developers working w/ my Java code 2) Users of my Web Service -> target at humans who need to understand my API typically this documentation is in the form of HTML pages that I need to create (and maintain) for example: https://documents.worldbank.org/en/publication/documents-reports/api https://openweathermap.org/api https://open-meteo.com/en/docs I have create a Java tool to read your Endpoints and generate a HTML page to use my RESTDocumentation tool, I do these steps: 0) import the project into Eclipse (RESTDocumentationBuilder.zip) 1) the build requires my Endpoint code to be compiled so I right click my project and run Maven Build w/ the compile goal 2) the build requires a help folder to put the HTML page into so I create src/main/webapp/help 3) the build project has a Windows batch file to generate the HTML page, I need to set my project name in there, then run the Windows batch file 4) optional: I can create an index.html (in src/main/webapp) to point to my new help page, for example: