Web Testing Assignment 1 In the CustomerWeb Application We are going to test the listProducts followed by the showProduct pages. Steps: 1) In Eclipse run the CustomerWeb Appl on the Server 2) Follow the steps to Login, click the List Products link on the Main Menu 3) Select the Product: Tofu 4) Click the Submit Button 5) Verify the Product is displayed 6) logoff Planning the Test repeat each of the steps (2-5) above, but record: 1) What spot on the page where you interacting with 2) How to find that spot (try to right click and view Source) using an id attribute a CSS Selector, or an XPath 3) What User action did you take on the spot (Click, Type, Select, etc) 4) What was the result of that user action new Page displayed? record selected? 5) How can you verify the result worked? new page title, something changed on page, etc. write the test steps down, this is your test plan For each web page you interact with, create a Java class (The Page Object Model) to encapsulate the interactions for that page write the test run it