Gallery Data: The Gallery Database contains the following schema: create table ARTISTS ( ARTIST_ID int generated by default as identity(start with 1) not null primary key, FIRST_NAME varchar(25) not null, LAST_NAME varchar(25) not null, PROFILE text, ADDRESS_LINE_1 varchar(40) not null, ADDRESS_LINE_2 varchar(40), CITY varchar(25) not null, REGION_OR_STATE varchar(20) not null, COUNTRY varchar(25) not null, POSTAL_CODE character(10) not null EMAIL varchar(40), PHONE varchar(15) not null, WEBSITE varchar(40) ); create table BILLING_INFORMATION ( BILLING_ID int generated by default as identity(start with 1) not null primary key, CUSTOMER_ID int not null, BILLING_ADDRESS_ID int not null, CARD_NUMBER char(16) not null, CARD_HOLDER varchar(60) not null, SECURITY_CODE character(4) not null ); create table CUSTOMER_ADDRESSES ( ADDRESS_ID int generated by default as identity(start with 1) not null primary key, CUSTOMER_ID int not null, ADDRESS_LINE_1 varchar(40) not null, ADDRESS_LINE_2 varchar(40), CITY varchar(25) not null, REGION_OR_STATE varchar(20) not null, COUNTRY varchar(25) not null, POSTAL_CODE character(10) not null ); create table CUSTOMERS ( CUSTOMER_ID int generated by default as identity(start with 1) not null primary key, TITLE char(10), FIRST_NAME varchar(25) not null, MIDDLE_INITIAL character(1), LAST_NAME varchar(25) not null, COMPANY varchar(25), EMAIL varchar(40), PHONE varchar(15) not null ); create table INVENTORY ( ITEM_ID int generated by default as identity(start with 1) not null primary key, SUPPLIER_ID int not null, ARTIST_ID int not null, NAME varchar(25) not null, DESCRIPTION varchar(250) not null, IMAGE blob, TYPE varchar(12) not null, UNIT_COST decimal(7,2) not null, NUMBER_IN_STOCK bigint ); create table INVOICE_DETAILS ( ENTRY_NUMBER int generated by default as identity(start with 1) not null primary key, ORDER_NUMBER int not null, ITEM_ID int not null, QUANTITY_ORDERED bigint not null, BACK_ORDERED smallint not null ); create table INVOICES ( ORDER_NUMBER int generated by default as identity(start with 1) not null primary key, CUSTOMER_ID int not null, BILLING_ID int not null, SHIPPING_ADDRESS_ID int not null, ORDER_PLACED date not null, ORDER_NOTES text, ORDER_SHIPPED datetime, TOTAL_COST decimal(9,2) not null, PAID smallint not null, BACK_ORDERED smallint not null ); create table SUPPLIERS ( SUPPLIER_ID int generated by default as identity(start with 1) not null primary key, COMPANY varchar(25) not null, CONTACT_TITLE character(10), CONTACT_NAME varchar(60), ADDRESS_LINE_1 varchar(40) not null, ADDRESS_LINE_2 varchar(40), CITY varchar(25) not null, REGION_OR_STATE varchar(20) not null, COUNTRY varchar(25) not null, POSTAL_CODE character(10) not null, EMAIL varchar(40), PHONE varchar(15) not null, WEBSITE varchar(40) );