Your Assignment for this afternoon is reading Java Source code and Documentation 1) read the Customer class in the Customer Project look at the JavaDocs, including make changes and re-generate the JavaDoc Project menu -> generate JavaDocs the open (right click - open with) Doc -> index.html w/ Web Browser 2) read the City class in the World Project look at the JavaDocs and generate them 3) read src/test/java this does not have JavaDocs, however it does call code I did not write, so I need to be able to look the JavaDocs for code I did not write Look at the JavaDocs for: import org.apache.commons.lang3.RandomStringUtils; (the class) RandomStringUtils.randomAlphabetic(41); (the method) import org.mockito.Mockito; (the class) sanitizerMock = Mockito.mock(XssSanitizer.class); (a static method) 4) do the same for the CityTest class look at the import statements 5) for both test classes look up the JUnit JavaDocs the CustomerTest uses JUnit 4 the CityTest uses JUnit 5