I have the following Database Tables: CREATE TABLE JEarl.City ( Id INT NOT NULL, Name VARCHAR(35) NOT NULL, CountryCode VARCHAR(3) NOT NULL, District VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, Population INT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Id)) CREATE TABLE JEarl.Country ( Code VARCHAR(3) NOT NULL, Name VARCHAR(52) NOT NULL, Continent VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, Region VARCHAR(26) NOT NULL, SurfaceArea DECIMAL(10,2) NOT NULL, IndepYear INT, Population INT NOT NULL, LifeExpectancy DECIMAL(3,1), GNP DECIMAL(10,2), GNPOld DECIMAL(10,2), LocalName VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL, GovernmentForm CHAR(45) NOT NULL, HeadOfState VARCHAR(60), Capital INT, Code2 VARCHAR(2) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (Code)) CREATE TABLE JEarl.CountryLanguage ( CountryCode VARCHAR(3) NOT NULL, Language VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, IsOfficial CHAR(1) NOT NULL, Percentage DECIMAL(4,1) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (CountryCode,Language)) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I need a report showing the 10 largest countries, and the 10 smallest countries. I want to see the following fields on this report: Country Name Capital City Name Country Population Country Size (Surface Area) Country Density (Surface Area / Population) The SQL you will need looks like: SELECT city.Name, country.Name, country.Population, country.SurfaceArea, country.Population / country.SurfaceArea as Density FROM jearl.Country AS country INNER JOIN jearl.City AS city ON country.Capital = city.Id ORDER BY country.SurfaceArea desc You will need to build: A new Java Project An Application class An Entity class to hold the data from the SQL query An Action Interface listing the method(s) you need An Action Implementation containing the DAO code The URL to connect to DB2 from Lab Machine is: jdbc:db2://mvsf.protechpts.com:5040/DALLASC The URL to connect to DB2 from Mainframe is: url=jdbc:db2:// Your results should look like: Largest Countries: NAME NAME POPULATION SURFACE AREA DENSITY ----------------------- ---------------------------------- -------------- ------------ --------- Moscow Russian Federation 146,934,000 17,075,400.0 8.60 Ottawa Canada 31,147,000 9,970,610.0 3.12 Peking China 1,277,558,000 9,572,900.0 133.45 Washington United States 278,357,000 9,363,520.0 29.72 Brasilia Brazil 170,115,000 8,547,403.0 19.90 Canberra Australia 18,886,000 7,741,220.0 2.43 New Delhi India 1,013,662,000 3,287,263.0 308.36 Buenos Aires Argentina 37,032,000 2,780,400.0 13.31 Astana Kazakstan 16,223,000 2,724,900.0 5.95 Khartum Sudan 29,490,000 2,505,813.0 11.76 Smallest Countries: NAME NAME POPULATION SURFACE AREA DENSITY ----------------------- ---------------------------------- -------------- ------------ --------- Adamstown Pitcairn 50 49.0 1.02 Kingston Norfolk Island 2,000 36.0 55.55 Funafuti Tuvalu 12,000 26.0 461.53 Yaren Nauru 12,000 21.0 571.42 Macao Macao 473,000 18.0 262,77.77 West Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands 600 14.0 42.85 Fakaofo Tokelau 2,000 12.0 166.66 Gibraltar Gibraltar 25,000 6.0 4,166.66 Monaco-Ville Monaco 34,000 1.5 22,666.66 Citti del Vaticano Holy See (Vatican City State) 1000 0.4 2,500.00