Thinking in OO - Assignment 1 Download the from my website, into your DataFile folder, and unzip it ************ I see: Bumpersticker Buzzwords Dictionary FortuneCookies Mottoes Music Puns Quotes Sources *************** You are going to design a Humor Application ***************** I need an Appl class w/ a main method *************** The application will do the following: Display a list of Humor Categories for the User to select from. ****************** is this piece of data a class or not a class? is this piece of data a simple string or a simple number? if so it is a field in another class if it is used in ONLY one place it could be a field in another class if not (it has Biz rules, like SSN) it is an Entity class *************************** After the User selects a Humor Category, the appl will display the number of Humor records for that Category The User will enter a number, and the appl will display the Humor Record for that number from that category Please answer the following questions: How many Entity (data) classes do you need? What would you call each class? What fields would be in each class? How many Action classes do you need? What you call each Action class? ****************************** My example: An Appl class w/ main method: HumorAppl an Action class to read text files TextFileReader a method to read a file and return the contents as a String array Entity class(es) Bumpersticker number message Buzzword key number message Dictionary key number message FortuneCookie number message Motto key number message Music key number message Pun number message Quote number source message Source stageName birthName birthdate bithLocation deathdate deathLocation comments