Users By State: Design Design notes: main flow: read a properties file open input file open output file loop until end of input file read a record if current record.state == the state being reported (use .equals() method) add to output list end if end loop print output list close output file close input file ---------------------------------------- Coding notes: Main Appl class -> CSV Reader -> methods: open() close() readChuck() CSV Writer -> methods: open() close() writeChunk() User Entity -> input fields: "first_name", "last_name", "company_name", "address", "city", "county", "state", "zip", "phone1", <- Primary phone? "phone2", "email", "web" output fields: • User full name • Company • Street • City • State • Zip • Primary Phone Number • Email log4j.xml file in the src folder set the log name ---------------------------------------- Deployment notes: properties file I need to copy this to the MF -> the path to the input file the input file name the path to the output file the output file name the state being reported I need the data on the MF /u/jearl/data/us/us-500.csv /u/jearl/data/us/us-50000.csv /u/jearl/data/us/us-1000000.csv I need 3rd party jars on the MF /u/jearl/jars/commons-csv-1.5.jar /u/jearl/jars/log4j-1.15.jar