Assignment 6 The sample code from the NG-Book being used as the course textbook, has been download and unzipped on the Lab Machine We are going to explore the Simple Reddit Clone from the book Steps: 1) On the Lab Machine, open a Command Prompt and change to the folder for this application: C:\ng-book-code\first-app\angular-reddit 2) We will now download all the Node dependencies, please note the node_modules folder starts out as non-existent, and this will build it in the Command Prompt (make sure you are in the correct folder) run: npm install Node will read the package.json file in the current folder, and download the dependencies, this may take a while 3) We will now start the Angular application, Angular has a development environment we can use to run the application run: npm start this will compile the Typescript into JavaScript and start the development environment Please note this is a Node command, we could have run an Angular command (ng serve) 4) Open a Browser to: http://localhost:4200 (the default URL for the development environment) 5) Interact with the application, click the upvote or downvote links, add a new Link watch how the application rearranges the entries as the vote count changes 6) The Angular development environment has a "live" update feature, while the application is running using Visual Code, open the app-component.ts file (in the C:\ng-book-code\first-app\angular-reddit\src\app folder) and change this line: new Article('Angular', '', 3), to this line: new Article('Angular 11', '', 3), and see what the Command Prompt window shows, then look at the Browser to see the change 7) In the Command Prompt window, Press Control + the "C" key to kill the development environment